TALE #10 - INTO INNER EARTH Unknown Speaker 0:05 Hi, this is Sarah. Welcome to Tales from the New Earth. I'm a voice for the New Earth, bringing you deep interconnections with nature and all of life, for new ways of living on the planet. Today's episode is an adventure that goes down into the Inner Earth, exploring how it works for us behind the scenes, and giving us a glorious bigger picture for the planet. Come journey with me as I channel, live and in-the-moment, through cosmic nature spirits, such that you can literally experience and feel the New Earth as we go. Enjoy! Note that this encounter is best when you can be quiet and attentive. Unknown Speaker 1:16 Today, as I step forward into New Earth, three luminous beings become visible to me. As always, I reach out with my heart and I greet them warmly and gratefully. Who are you? I ask with such anticipation. They say, We are the Dwellers in the Deep. We come from Inner Earth, where there are mighty energies and interesting goings-on. We'd like to take you there. Keen as ever, I nod and step toward them. As I come close, our four auras join and we swirl and spin together, straight down into the Earth. There is a sensation of great light there, alongside shadowed areas. We drop down into some sort of an enclave, a space, that seems like a very small town or hamlet. Overhead there is a glow, not like the sunny sky, but a warm constant glow. As we walk along a path, I see unusual plants lining the path to the hamlet. They're a deep red color. Some are a luminous gray-yellow. They seem to be vegetable plants, bearing edibles, for there are Inner Earth Dwellers who are harvesting and tending these - gardens, I guess - that are along the path. I see a flowing stream winding along among the plants. It's sort of a clear glowing color. I can tell it brings pure nourishment to the garden, pure food. Unknown Speaker 3:44 Following the path, we arrive at the hamlet. My guides turned to me and say, It's time for you to experience what may seem miraculous, or purely fanciful, or even crazy to you. It is that there are many towns, cities and landscapes under the Earth's surface. They're all around the globe in certain locations. Some are connected to sacred sites on the surface like the pyramids in Egypt, or Mount Shasta, or the area where the druids lived. Others are satellite towns, housing workers who do technical things behind the scenes. I give a little laugh and say, Well, this is ALL behind the scenes for me! Unknown Speaker 4:49 My guides chuckle with me and they say, Isn't it amazing to know that there's so much human-like life inside the planet? All of us here are working to hold the Earth in grace. We are connected to other planets and stars and energy centers, and we maintain higher frequencies for all of you. We hold things in place. I say, So we're not just fumbling along alone on the surface? Is there a way we can tell you're here helping us? My guides answer, The surface is a place of evolution, growth and change, where matter is changed by energies... where lessons are learned and humanity matures. You have much cosmic help up there. And now we want to introduce you to one of your Earthen helpers down here, here in this dwelling. We are going to answer your questions through her. Unknown Speaker 6:18 They reach up and ring a small silver bell at the door of a small round building with a conical roof. A young woman opens her door and welcomes us in. Her skin is kind of pinkish, reminding me of the plants I saw, and she has the warmest, most loving smile. I am Entre-la, she says, and I am one of the Surmounters here. My job is to create energies and send them to the surface for courage, strength and victory. In other words, for Surmounting. You might call it the "courage to step up". Unknown Speaker 7:21 That's interesting, I say. So you support humans emotionally? Entre-la answers, I pour courage, strength and victory into all aspects of the planet's surface. I fill the air, the streams, the meadows and deserts with that. It's simply a frequency of Surmounting. It also goes into humans and the animals and plants. It's an energy that can be simply absorbed by your world. On your breath, through your skin and just by being. As the energy touches any of you, or any of the aspects of your world, it soaks in. Unknown Speaker 8:17 Wow, I think, THAT is a really helpful set of energies for us right now. I feel awed and gifted and grateful. Entre-la now reaches out and takes my hand gently. Come, she says, We want you to feel that Surmounting energy. With her other hand, she cups a roundish crystal that sits atop a pedestal, draped in silvery pink fabric. The whole thing shimmers. The crystal is clear, and pink, and shot through with beautiful veins of a deep, rich red. I feel energies running into me as this connection is made. She says, There, can you feel that energy of the Surmounting crystal through me? Unknown Speaker 9:28 Oh my yes, I feel lifted. I feel braced. I feel empowered in my body at first, in every cell... and then I feel my heart and mind relaxing into a sense that the whole Earth is braced. We don't have to figure out all these changes ourselves, from our heads. Oh, what a relief! I look at Entre-la and I realize she's like a Priestess of Surmounting. She is one of the great ones who is in charge of this whole energy, with this one master crystal. She nods at me saying yes, with her heart and her eyes. I feel like I do in the company of a Wise Elder: so reassured and soothed and held and grounded. I find myself taking a few deep breaths as I sink into this mighty, mighty support. It is so strengthening. It almost feels like every cell has been up-shifted and braced. Unknown Speaker 11:12 Yes, there you go, say all my guides. That's the feeling of Surmounting energy: the courage to step up. My goodness... I feel it running through every tiny nano bit of me. I feel pride in my heart in who I am. My limbs and my back feel capable. In my spirit, I feel hopeful and forward looking. It's like I took a shot of something! But it's way more than just a simple energy or a shot of some drink or chemical in me. There's a profound inner knowing; knowing that all is well and we are held and helped every step of the way. These Great Ones are holding us in the Deep. Unknown Speaker 12:28 How can I tap into this courage and support, I ask, or does it come to me all on its own, automatically? Reach down from your heart-mind, answers Entre-la, your heart and mind together, to the red veins in the earth, envisioning them and remember this feeling of Surmounting. And then it will flood you again fully. And yes, it's also always around you automatically, though you can call it intentionally if you want it to flood you more. Unknown Speaker 13:18 Please, she says, show others how to reach for the rich red veins in the earth. So you all have the courage to step up. I will, I say. I see and feel and know that the red streaks in the crystal carry this energy and power. So I envision that, for it gives great hope and peace as well as the strength to act; and I know it's what the whole Earth needs. It's what humanity needs at this time of such confusion and unsureness about power. Unknown Speaker 14:14 The power and support of the Earth is under us and running in our veins. Unknown Speaker 14:23 I take a deep breath and, ever curious, I ask, Are there other kinds of workers under the Earth? Oh, yes indeed, says Entre-la. She releases my hand and I can breathe a little easier now that I'm not pouring with this current of Surmounting. She says, We are stabilizing the oceans. We're carrying silicon to your bodies to shift them out of being carbon-based, so you can carry more Light in yourselves. Your cells have forgotten they're made of Light. And so this will be very helpful. We are relaying energies that awaken all aspects of the earth. We are bringing Light that awakens codes in you - codes in your DNA. You've already experienced how flowers and trees and streams are alive in other episodes, how they're awake and capable of interacting with you, right? Unknown Speaker 15:53 I nod, anticipating happily that there may be further miraculous gifts coming my way. And Entre-la says, Well, we sort of empower the whole planet to wake up. These Light codes awaken consciousness in every single thing on the planet. We're here to spur your overall evolution into being a conscious, loving, aware place in the galaxy. As she speaks, I'm feeling a lot of swirling energies through and around me... lifting and twirling.... almost like a vortex. I'm feeling very charged up. I'm feeling "plugged in" to the Inner Earth. Like it's a battery. Yes, says Entre-la, Yes, exactly. We're like one big long Reiki Energy Session for the whole planet....upgrading the energies as we go. So you can take them in, and grow, and up-shift, and become conscious. Unknown Speaker 17:23 I feel so awed by this source of support. I feel very, very bright and clear in my mind. I feel very very soft and clear in my heart. And there's a deep, deep warm groundedness below me. I know it will be below my feet forever. Yes, she says we're a battery, but we're also a heart. We are supporting you with all these energies because we love you. We love you so, and we love the potential of your beautiful planet, because we see you succeeding as an interactive, cooperative, richly abundant place of great, great peace and beauty. Unknown Speaker 18:30 Thank you. Thank you, I intone. I'm feeling, as always, a little bit tearful. My mouth is a little open in awe of what we've all been given and are being given all the time. I feel so, so peaceful, hopeful and courageous that I can step up in exactly the way I'm meant to. And so will the flowers and the bees, so will the streams, so will my neighbors. So will the leaders of the world. So will all the beautiful beings here: we will all step up together. My guides all look at me with love glimmering from their eyes. Unknown Speaker 19:38 Entre-la waves to me in goodbye. Me and my three guides, the Dwellers from the Deep, turn and leave her beautiful hut and glide back along the path. Then we swirl and twirl upward, upward back to where we began our journey today. I feel so strengthened in every cell; every cell is buzzing, charged up, and glad. Unknown Speaker 20:23 So there you go, say my guides. There's what we wanted you to know and feel today. And we thank you for sharing this and helping others tap into it. We love you so. I bow to them with great great gratitude in my heart and turn back to the world as it is. Unknown Speaker 20:56 And so ends this Tale. Unknown Speaker 21:03 Thank you for tuning in, and I hope to see you each Tuesday for another Tale from the New Earth. If you enjoyed this podcast, please rate it online and share freely with others. Let's spread this energy! Feel free to peruse my website for the companion Earthkeeper Cards and for other services. Have a beautiful day. Thank you. Transcribed by https://otter.ai